An Appeal For Love

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Bushfires in Australia are currently ravaging this beautiful country I am so blessed to call home. Much more has burnt than in the Amazon or in California. This is the worst season on record, and we’re barely halfway through it. People have lost their lives and their homes, and many are missing. No state/territory in Australia is unaffected. Just thinking about this is absolutely heartbreaking and brings tears to my eyes.

I am so blessed to be alive. I am entirely grateful to live in Australia, to have friends and family who’ve checked in on us, to be safe from the worst of the fires, despite the hazardous air pollution levels in Melbourne in recent days.

I’m doing my bit to help out – any profits I make from the sale of these 10 art prints will be donated directly to organisations that are supporting people affected by the bushfires. These include:

  1. Rotary
  2. Salvation Army
  3. Red Cross
  4. Vinnies
  5. State fire services – Victoria, NSW, Queensland, South Australia, WA, Tasmania
  6. Wildlife assistance – koalas, or more generally, or RSPCA
  7. First Nations people
  8. Lions
  9. Foodbank
  10. International donations via Celeste Barber

But, I know that money isn’t necessarily the answer for anyone who wants to help out. Although each dollar adds up, here are some other options:

  1. Stay informed. Educate yourself. If you’re facing fire threats, find emergency info for Victoria, NSW, South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, and WA at the links. Tune into ABC radio.
  2. Share the news, on social media, through messages, talk to friends/family – we need to organise, and we need to raise awareness.
  3. Donate goods to organisations that have the capacity to sort and give, like Givit. It’s difficult for supplies to get to people right now because roads have been closed. Or, donate goods (second-hand) like clothing to your local charitable retail stores (Salvos, Red Cross, Vinnies, Brotherhood of St. Lawrence to name a few), where funds raised from selling them will go towards their work including bushfire relief.
  4. Volunteer to help sort goods. Open up your home to others. Check on neighbours. Airbnb has set up pages to share free accommodation for people who are evacuating the fire zones. Find emergency housing or list your property.
  5. Leave water out for wildlife. If you find wildlife that needs help, notify local wildlife authorities.
  6. In the long-term, make sustainable choices. I’m not going to tell you how to run your life or who to vote for or whether to protest. But we have been given a beautiful Earth to enjoy and to live well. Let’s treat it the way we should. Every bit counts.
  7. Above all, be kind, and spread love. We’ve just been through a very tough Christmas/New Year season for those affected directly by the bushfires. They need our support and prayers, they need our hope and compassion, they need our kindness and love. Rise above the politics and the blame. This is an appeal for love.

-nat 🥀🖤