A Saturday Afternoon in the Park

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I haven’t gone out of my home almost at all for three months now. a) I have always believed in doing more than the minimum, and b) I have a lot of anxiety about going out socially. I think this is more common than we might think right now in the middle of this pandemic. But my mum has gone out walking almost every day during this time, and has basically become a swan watcher/scientist, watching these parent swans nesting, hatching their little ones, and nurturing their growth. So I figured Saturday afternoon in the park was as good a day as any to see them. And simply put, there are is something deeply beautiful about seeing life grow.

People distance themselves to protect their health and to protect others because of their health. Physical and mental. So check on your loved ones. We’re distancing ourselves, but sometimes we do this when we’re not in a good place too. Simply leaving a note to say you’re there for us, whether to chat or answer or not, it means a lot and it’s so important when a lot of us are really struggling this year.