A Month Ago

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A month ago, I was still overseas.

A month ago, I was far from longing for home.

A month ago, I was yearning for England already.

A month ago, things were simpler, responsibilities far fewer, and life easier.

A month ago, travelling wasn’t just a dream, it was reality.

I miss the UK/Europe so much. It was a constant feeling of wonderment, of joy, of contentment, of gratitude, of fulfilment. I think that’s what happens when you chase experiences like travelling and meeting people and discovering cultures, instead of chasing material things.

I miss the places I explored, that fresh feeling of starting over and seeing what makes a place special. I miss the old museums and buildings and cafes and cobblestones and that aura of history that permeates everywhere. And the natural scenery too, the mountains and hilltops and cottages and lakes and beaches and valleys and everything else.

I miss the uni life in England too, with its on-campus living and all the culture and learning. I miss those conversations with lecturers and flatmates and friends from back home too.

But most of all I miss the people I met, the friends I made, and the way people opened their hearts and homes to me. It means such a lot, and nothing could say thank you enough. When you meet people from the other side of the world and realise you’re all just the same humans trying to make it through life, it brings everything into perspective and gives me so much hope.

It seemed like such an easy adjustment going to Europe, and now I’m back home, it feels so much harder! Unexpected, really. I’m of course glad to be home with family and friends, but there’s just something that tugs at me to go back.

But on my return, I came home to the last of the Blue Moon roses and these darling Iceberg roses. So of course, I picked some blooms and got out the camera. I hope you enjoy this series.

And I may just be going back to Europe earlier than I’d ever imagined…

-nat 🥀🖤