My Semester Abroad

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The University of Warwick, my home for the rest of 2018.

I haven’t posted anything related to my semester abroad, mostly because editing all my Europe photos has taken all my time, but also because I didn’t really know if my uni experiences fit here at FlowerFolio. (You can, however, find some IGTV stuff on my private Instagram here.)

But I did want to post something about how having more time to myself and to take pause every day has led to me seeing more things and feeling more creative, despite having no DSLR to do say self-portraits or still lifes as I would normally do. My time here, apart from the study, has led me to realise very quickly that I need both time and space to be myself, which is not to say that I isolate myself, but rather that when I can hear myself think, I am better able to process experiences and translate that into creative work.

And when I get my cameras sorted, I’ll be able to push out more art (I hope!). Talk to you soon!

-nat 💖🌺